Birth Supplies
Your birth kit is included in your global care fee. We bring the birth kit to your home for a visit around 37 weeks.
Additional Supplies:
Please have these additional items ready for birth.
Box of trash bags
2 large bowls – 1 for placenta, 1 if needed for vomit
Padsicles (Recipe)
Roll of paper towels (preferably Viva)
Box of maxi-size sanitary napkins
At least 6 towels
At least 4 washcloths
Diapers for baby
2 bottles hydrogen peroxide for laundry or cleaning up blood spots
Water birth Supplies:
New garden hose
Faucet adapter
Pool and liner
Tarp to put under pool
Fish net to remove organic matter from pool
Preparing Your Bed For Birth:
When you think you are in labor make your bed by putting the sheets you want for postpartum on first. Next, put a waterproof mattress protector (2 cheap shower curtains work fine). After that, put the sheets you don’t mind getting soiled by birth. It is a good idea to put kitchen trash bags over pillows and place a pillowcase on top to protect them. After your birth, we will strip the soiled sheets off your bed while you are in the shower. A clean bed will be ready for you and your baby to rest in.